The Long Tail Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More, by Chris Anderson


Great book for anyone involved in data, machine learning, and curious about how the historical aspects of a shift from big hits, to small niches. Very interesting perspective from a major influential player in the industry.

Here Is What The Book Was About:

This book has been called the most important book since Tipping point. So essentially, a business book based on the statistical long tail. Chris Anderson coined the term.

Rating: (1 to 5)

Solid 4.15 based on the fact that while this book was written in 2008, every prediction made by the author seems to have come true. He may not have predicted the death of myspace or that google would purchase youtube however the trend has indeed played out as he outlines in the book.

Other Thoughts on The Book:

Audible offers an interview with the author in the final chapter. Very insightful and interesting to read in 2021.

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