The Incredible Mind of an Average Man by Petros Tsikkos


For those of us who can appreciate good writing, poetry, and thinking about the world from different perspectives this book is for you. Petros draws parallels on work, life, and the universe in his book of short poems. You’ll leave the book with a great appreciation of what an incredible mind you have.

Here Is What The Book Was About:

Incredible mind is truly an incredible and one of a kind book. It is essentially about 30 poems on topics that will make you think deeper about the universe, spirituality, police brutality, how to think, and why you see the world the way that you do.

Rating: (1 to 5)

This book earns a 4 out of 5 rating based on the interesting perspectives and beautiful writing. Additionally, it gives you something to think about after you’re done reading.

Other Thoughts on The Book:

Not your typical poetry book; it stands out because of the style of writing, as well as the complex topics addressed.

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