The Action Bible: God’s Redemptive Story


Referred to as the most complete picture Bible ever, The Action Bible is essentially a collection of over 200 stories from the Bible along with compelling illustrations written in a comic book format. It conveys Biblical truths in an easy-to-digest format that would appeal to young readers. It complements the work of the Bible; if you like comic books, and even remotely interested in learning more about the Bible, this is a great book to read and start your journey into Christianity. This book does not take the place of reading the Bible of course, however it is a fantastic tool to get people interested in God’s word.

Here is what the book was about:

The main point of the book are the Bible teachings summarized for young readers, with beautiful artwork, similar to a comic book. While the book is intended for younger readers, older readers can also appreciate and benefit from reading this book. Its written in comic book style format, some key stories are from the King James version, the old testament, new testament, and final stories about Paul are based on non-Biblical historical documents. It is not a complete retelling of the bible however as only 215 stories are used as source material.

Rating: (1 low to 10 high)

I rated this book a 10 for its ability to capture the key lessons from 200+ bible stories. There are too many great summaries to list them all here – overall just a fantastic book. A key reason why I love this book so much is Brazilian artist Sergio Cariello’s beautiful drawings.

Other Thoughts on The Book

The overall finish and quality of the book is excellent! You can tell that a lot of work went into it. The materials, colors, finish appear to be worth more than the $20 price tag you pay.