Cracking the PM Career, by Jackie Bavaro, & Gayle Laakmann McDowell


Are you a technology professional? Are you trying to break into or learn more about technology product management and looking start your journey? Jackie and Gayle have carefully crafted a comprehensive reference guide to the skills, frameworks, and practices to succeed as a product manger.  

Here Is What The Book Was About:

Teaches frameworks and best practices based on real world experiences of over 50 PMs and product leaders. The authors are industry veterans who have led from a product perspective at firms such as google, Facebook, and Asana. There are also insights and stories that address career progression and negotiating job offers.

Rating: (1 to 5)

4.3 based on the solid content and reference materials, which you can re-read and come back to throughout your career.

Other Thoughts on The Book:

The book was written after the pandemic and many of the references seemed to be relevant to today’s world; i.e. remote work, conference calls, distributed teams meeting over zoom rather than in person collocated teams.  Also, at over 500 pages, this is a very long book.

Link to Book: