The Toyota Way to Lean Leadership, by Jeffrey Liker, & Gary Convis


As someone who has been interested in the car industry for any period of time, or If you’re interested in Toyota and what makes the company and cars great, you’ll enjoy this book. Jeffrey and Gary cover lean principles, and explain how to apply this methodology, as well as what not to do. Regardless of your company or industry, you can gain valuable perspectives from this timeless leadership book.

Here Is What The Book Was About:

Offers perspectives and views on lean methodology, as well as case studies based on the authors’ experience implementing lean at other successful large manufacturing firms. There are multiple examples of what to do, as well as what not to do.

Rating: (1 to 5)

Generally hard to criticize this book as it offers valuable content, and is both direct and honest. It was a very dry book however, and was hard to stay engaged at times. Earned a 3.5 out of 5 based on the valuable information and that the authors lived the case studies referenced in the book.

Other Thoughts on The Book:

Some concepts are repeated multiple times; i.e. you cannot repeat the success of Toyota, lean I unique to the company implementing it, focus on long term rather than short term diet-like methodologies for leadership.

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